Based in Rossmoor, Walnut Creek, California, the Republican Club of Rossmoor is an active, strong, and energetic club.
We hold 12 dinner meetings per year to hear exciting speakers talk about important issues. In addition, we meet monthly for a free event to talk with like-minded people and meet a variety of community leaders; and we have occasional box lunches where like-minded members can visit with one another and share ideas and perspectives.
We also work seriously to educate our community on their voting rights and responsibilities.
Donatons to the Rossmoor Republican Club are not tax deductible.
First | Last | Title / Duties |
Chris | Bratton | President |
Ching-Shu | Wagner | Vice President |
Mary | Piscitelli | Treasurer |
Joyce | Ellis | Secretary |
Paul | Patt | Past President, E-Blasts |
Dianne | Brackin | Movie Chair |
Nancy | Fike | Webmaster |
Mary Beth | Hodge | Membership Chairman |
Bill | McConnell | Special Projects, 2nd Amendment |
Richard | Rubin | Newsletter, Publicity |
Jill | Reiner | Ambassador Chair |
Open | Republican Perspective | |
Margie | Sparkman | Corresponding Secretary |
David | Minor | Program Chair; CoCo Central Committee |
Maddie | Moore | Gateway Voter Registration |
Toni | Hessler | Assistant Treasurer |