Ramses vs Founders

Ramses II vs. The Founding Fathers and Mothers

Republican Perspective---November 9, 2022

Ramses II vs. The Founding Fathers and Mothers

By Bill McConnell

We just attended the Ramses Exhibit at the de Young Museum in San Francisco. Ramses II was a great military leader with amazing control of his army. He had a long list of conquests and acquisitions. He was a champion builder of temples, statues and tombs, and produced an endless number of gold and precious stone baubles for the sole purpose of glorifying himself. Just for fun, he also had 200+ wives and concubines and produced 100+ kids. Of course, you have to see all this through the cultural lens of the period. Nobody other than the local royalty counted for much and all the peasants were thoroughly brainwashed politically and religiously. There was no concept of individual freedom or rights anything like we know them now. Most of the production work was done by peasants who had self-enslaved themselves and believed this service to the pharaoh would expedite their transition to some super afterlife. 

What is striking now is that the Egyptian kings, the pyramids and the various buildings and tombs and other “products” of ancient Egypt have been so revered by most of the world for thousands of years. When Ramses II was alive he was his own best publicist focusing on convincing the then known world what a wonderful guy he was. Apparently, he was wildly successful and it is still working today. But these Egyptian accomplishments were mostly just “things” rather than good ideas or concepts or selfless acts which might have helped his people and humanity.





Nevertheless, two of Ramses II accomplishments stand out even thousands years later. He is credited with negotiating the first “peace treaty“ with the Hittites and thus bringing peace and prosperity to the region. The second is his staunch protection of the Egyptian borders from the surrounding hostile forces. Of course, both of these were produced from a “peace through strength” approach—the best way to get aggressive neighbors to leave you alone to live in peace. Our current pathetic band of misguided utopian liberal and socialist leaders could try to emulate Ramses II and many other leaders throughout history who understood the importance of military strength and sovereign borders to ensuring peaceful coexistence.









In stark contrast to Ramses II, the American Founding Fathers (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison) and Founding Mothers (Abigail Adams, Phyllis Wheatley, Deborah Sampson, Martha Washington, Mercy Otis Warren, Esther Reed, Dolley Madison and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton) gave the world much more important gifts in the form of history-changing ideas and concepts than did the narcissistic Ramses the Great with his monuments and other “consumer items.”





This noble band of patriot founders:

·      Codified inalienable rights and individual freedom.

·      Established that the individual should be the sovereign entity in politics.

·      Recognized individual participation in the market place as the main driving force behind economic productivity.

·      Established the first large-scale political republic in the modern world.

·      Codified the principle of the legal separation of church and state.

·      Established that all citizens are equal under the law.





Fast forward to the America of today where confused extremist liberals and ignorant socialists are leading the charge to tear down statues of the Founding Fathers and Mothers, not to mention America itself.


Meanwhile, America ranks at the top when you ask 24,000 people around the world if various nations’ governments respect the personal freedoms of their country’s people. Of the 24 countries surveyed, 65% of the respondents said “yes” for America and 63% said “yes” for France. The percentages for the next highest rated nations were all less than half of these top ranked countries.



You get a similar result when you ask potential migrants what country would be their most favored destination. The top choice by a factor of  3.5x is America.



Unfortunately, not everyone can come to America, at least not yet. So the next best thing is to try to help other nations emulate America. To do this we  should be putting the legacy of the Founding Fathers and Mothers on a world-wide exhibition tour just like the Ramses the Great world-wide tour. Since this “American Freedom Tour” will focus on world-changing ideas and concepts rather than just stuff, it will require a much simpler venue and could reach much of the world that needs to see it. Exposing the world to American achievements in establishing a democratic republic and advancing human rights would be an excellent way for the largely failed United Nations to finally make a contribution to personal freedom throughout the world. It would also be a better use for some of the federal money now being wasted. The exhibition should start at home since some parts of the U.S. also need a basic tutorial in American history.


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