Virtue Signaling

New Leftist National Pastime

Virtue Signaling is the New Leftist National Pastime

Virtue Signaling is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "The action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue."

One way you know for sure it is virtue signaling is that it is in your face. If someone really cared about an issue they would just do something instead of advertising what they did, or might do, or what you should do.

We are now inundated on a daily basis by countless instances of virtue signaling and it all seems to come from Democrat/Leftist/"Progressive" sources.

Examples: When you check out at Safeway and many other stores you are now forced to decline to give money to some cause or other which they have decided is worthy enough that you should be the victim of their solicitations. This is designed to make you feel a little guilty if you don't comply.

Other Examples: Now that I have sensitized you to this, you will probably find endless examples of your own. Countless businesses and other entities are constantly telling you how they are helping mankind and saving you and the rest of the peasants from some fate worse than death. One of my favorites: You need to wear a mask to protect others.


You could adopt a general rule for yourself of not responding to most or all  of these kinds of intrusive requests. It makes your life simpler since you will not have to think about each and every one of these independently. When you are up for it, you can also push back and tell them to stop bothering you and mind their own business. You can also ask them for proof that your donation will make it to the intended beneficiary.

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