A heartfelt thanks to you Joe and Your Band of Bungler
We are suffering through dark days as the Biden Administration pushes America toward global socialism, the loss of national identity, poverty and government dependence for American citizens. One way Republicans and Conservatives to comfort themselves is to remember to repeat this phrase to themselves and others:
The worse things get, the better it is!
The harder the Democrats work to make things worse, the better it is for Republicans in the long run! The Democrats hard work has resulted in a long list of major Democrat failures: https://scalise.house.gov/media/press- releases/biden-s-presidency-filled-failure-weakness-and-chaos A few of these major failures are:
Inflation is at a record 40 year high. It’s scary to think what will happen the next two and a half years. One of the main people who should be helping Joe bumble his way out of this is Janet Yellen who recently admitted she was wrong a year ago when she called inflation “a small risk,’ “manageable,” and “not a problem.” Can you believe that the Treasury Secretary was that wrong about such a fundamental economic issue only a year ago? https://www.npr.org/2022/06/01/1102364460/yellen-inflation
The disastrous handling of the Afghanistan pullout was despicable militarily, morally and economically. Seventy percent of veterans said America did not leave Afghanistan with honor; 57% of Americans in general said the same thing. https://www.moreincommon.com/our-work/publications/
It is clear that Biden has no respect for the military. If you are a Democrat and a veteran, you are in the wrong party. The Republicans respect and support veterans, including at every one of our monthly dinner meetings.
Biden helped to embolden Putin to attack Ukraine and took the United States from energy independence to begging for energy relief like the pauper state we are becoming. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/biden-energy-policies- american-energy-independence-sen-josh-hawley
Joe, Kamala and the Homeland Security Bungler Mayorkas are doing their best to help the United States fail as a sovereign nation. Enabling and encouraging this country's illegal immigration crisis is a direct assault on the survival of the United States as a sovereign nation. I think most of the people in Rossmoor are pretty smart and I challenge you to think for a moment about the sensibleness of the following quote:
“Sovereignty is the very essence of what makes a “nation” a “nation”—a free and independent state in which the people of that nation exercise total control over the governance of that nation. Clear and enforceable borders are an essential element of that sovereignty. Without them, the nation itself cannot be defined, and the sovereignty of that nation falls as a matter of course.” https://constitutingamerica.org/the-essential-nature-of-borders-in-ensuring- sovereignty-guest-essayist-andrew-langer/
The refusal to allow Customs and Border Protection to ensure the integrity of our Southwest border is meant to destroy this nation as we know it. According to the Center for Immigration Studies: “CBP encountered 221,303 illegal migrants at the Southwest border last month [April, 2022]. . . “Worse, DHS released more than 80,000 of those illegal migrants into the interior last month, raising the total number of migrant illegal releases under the Biden administration to 836,225.” https://cis.org/Arthur/Nearly-106-Million-CBP-Encounters-Southwest-Border- Thus-Far-FY-2022 This sounds to me like the intentional destruction of our sovereign border.
Pushing for the forgiveness of student loans is an unforgiveable insult to those who are current on their loan repayment, which is reported to be about 34.4 million people. https://educationdata.org/how-many-people-have-student-loans
Now these people can help the rest of us pay off the loans for the deadbeats. If you have paid off your student loan, are current on the payments, or you worked and saved to avoid a loan, and you are a Democrat, then you are in the wrong party. You need to join the Republicans who admire the personal responsibility of people like you.
And then there is the Leftist inspired and enabled crime wave sweeping America. Rachel O’Leary Carmona, President of the Women’s March, said in a recent interview related to Roe v Wade that there will be “a summer of rage” and the protestors will be “ungovernable.” She refused to explain what that means. But it is clear to me that she is giving the summer “protestors” permission and encouragement to riot, burn and loot just as they did in 2020. The Department of Homeland Security is preparing for a summer of violence across America. Get prepared,. But I hope I am wrong. https://www.foxnews.com/media/womens-march-leader-ungovernable- abortion-votes
So please keep it up keep it up Joe and your Band of Bunglers. The worse it gets, the better it is. The biggest worry for Republicans right now is that Joe and his Band of Bunglers might actually do something right in the next two and a half years. But wait, what am I saying, that's never going to happen. "C'mon Man!"